
Zipper RX Magic

March 10, 2020

As a devel­op­er you want to be able to fire off requests with­out wor­ry­ing about what order they’re in or when they arrive. All you real­ly care about is when they’re com­plet­ed. And, with a lit­tle Rx mag­ic, that’s when you stum­ble upon

 * Waits until all SingleSource sources provided by the Iterable sequence signal a success
 * value and calls a zipper function with an array of these values to return a result
 * to be emitted to downstream.

Next, you pass along your list of Single into like so…
  listOf(source1, source2, source3, ...)
) { results -> /* do something */ }
    onError = Timber::e,
    onSuccess = {

Every­thing appears to be going smooth­ly. Until you push the app out into the world and begin receiv­ing crash reports.

The excep­tion couldn’t be deliv­ered to the user because it already canceled/​disposed the flow. That, or the excep­tion has nowhere to go in the first place.

Why is this? Like any respon­si­ble pro­gram­mer, you added an onError con­di­tion to your sub­scrip­tion. But, instead of see­ing it being called, you’re left with a crash that hap­pens after the sin­gle has been completed.

You ques­tion how this could be hap­pen­ing and begin search­ing for the answer. For­tu­nate­ly (or unfor­tu­nate­ly), you begin to real­ize it’s entire­ly by design..

RxJa­va 2 tries to avoid los­ing excep­tions which could be impor­tant to the devel­op­er even if it hap­pens after the nat­ur­al life­cy­cle of a flow.

Then you see one of the authors pro­pose a cou­ple of solu­tions.”

Over­ride the default han­dler with RxJavaPlugins.setOnError() and sup­press what you don’t con­sid­er fatal. Alter­na­tive­ly, apply a per source onErrorReturn or onErrorResumeNext before zip­ping them together.

Though it would be nice to have a delayError flag sim­i­lar to, you’re out of luck. Hey, we all occa­sion­al­ly for­get to add an onErrorReturn to every one of our Single vari­ables (although I strong­ly rec­om­mend tak­ing this step).

Mov­ing for­ward, I’ve been able to pro­tect myself by using safeZip which auto­mat­i­cal­ly wraps all of your Singles, then returns all var­i­ous errors along the way in a sin­gle error at the end.

sealed class SafeResult<out T> {
  class Success<T>(val result: T): SafeResult<T>()
  class Failure<T>(val error: Throwable): SafeResult<Nothing>()
 * Zip [Single] together safely. An onErrorReturn is automatically applied to each source
 * to prevent any source from throwing. Then after all sources have completed, any errors
 * are then reported
fun <T> zipSafe(sources: List<Single<T>>): Single<List<T>> {
  val safeSources = { source ->
      .map<SafeResult<T>> { SafeResult.Success(it) }
      .onErrorReturn { SafeResult.Failure(it) }
  return { it.filterIsInstance<SafeResult<T>>() }
    .flatMap<List<T>> { safeResults ->
      val failures = safeResults.filterIsInstance<SafeResult.Failure<T>>()
      if (failures.isNotEmpty()) {
        Single.error(CompositeException( { it.error }))
      } else {
 { (it as SafeResult.Success<T>).result }

Except there’s still a prob­lem. If an emp­ty list is passed into you will throw a java.util.NoSuchElementException excep­tion. Though this will be han­dled by an onError in the sub­scrip­tion, if this is part of a larg­er stream, then the stream will have been com­plet­ed. To avoid this issue you can make our safe zip­per that much safer by return­ing an emp­ty list when one is provided.

 * Zip [Single] together safely. An onErrorReturn is automatically applied to each source
to prevent any source from throwing. Then, after all sources have completed, any errors will then be reported.
fun <T> zipSafe(sources: List<Single<T>>): Single<List<T>> {
  if (sources.isEmpty()) {
    return Single.just(emptyList())
  val safeSources = { source ->
      .map<SafeResult<T>> { SafeResult.Success(it) }
      .onErrorReturn { SafeResult.Failure(it) }
  return { it.filterIsInstance<SafeResult<T>>() }
    .flatMap<List<T>> { safeResults ->
      val failures = safeResults.filterIsInstance<SafeResult.Failure<T>>()
      if (failures.isNotEmpty()) {
        Single.error(CompositeException( { it.error }))
      } else {
 { (it as SafeResult.Success<T>).result }


Scott Schmitz
Scott Schmitz
Staff Engineer

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