Press Release

Press Release: Michigan Software Labs named Best and Brightest Companies to Work For - Top 101 In the Nation

February 3, 2020
Press Release: Michigan Software Labs named Best and Brightest Companies to Work For - Top 101 In the Nation

February 3, 2020 - The National Association for Business Resources has named the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For in the Nation. The national winning companies were assessed by an independent research firm which reviewed a number of key measures relative to other nationally recognized winners. The Best and Brightest Companies to Work for winners are not ranked. The Best and Brightest Program honored 540 national winning organizations from across the country out of 5,000 nominations.

In addition to honoring all national winners, the top 101 highest scoring national winning companies were also announced. Michigan Software Labs was named in the top 101 in the nation. These awards are presented to the highest winning companies that demonstrated exceptional innovative human resource practices and set high standards for all businesses during this year’s National Best and Brightest Summit. The elite categories include: Compensation, Benefits and Employee Solutions; Employee Enrichment, Engagement and Retention; Employee Education and Development; Recruitment, Selection and Orientation; Employee Achievement and Recognition; Communication and Shared Vision; Diversity and Inclusion; Work-Life Balance; Community Initiatives; Strategic Company Performance, and the Best of the Best: Small Business, Medium Business, and Large Business.

With over 20 years of experience conducting the Best and Brightest competitions, the National Association for Business Resources (NABR) have identified numerous best Human Resource practices and provided benchmarking for companies that continue to be leaders in employment standards. “With the war on talent hitting the door steps of the Best and Brightest, this achievement means even more than it did a year ago. As we continue to raise the bar, these companies rise to the challenge through cultural innovation, maximizing their workforce potential,” said Jennifer Kluge, President and CEO, Best and Brightest Programs.

About the Best and Brightest Programs

The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® competition identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to excellence in operations and employee enrichment that lead to increased productivity and financial performance. This competition scores potential winners based on regional data of company performance and a set standard across the nation. This national program celebrates those companies that are making better business, creating richer lives and building a stronger community as a whole. There are numerous regional celebrations throughout the country such as Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Houston, Milwaukee, San Diego and San Francisco. Nominations are now being accepted for all programs. Visit to nominate your organization.

About Michigan Software Labs

Michigan Software Labs develops custom mobile, web, and Internet of Things (IoT) software for clients ranging from locally owned businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Recognized as a leader in UX/UI design, with millions of end users to date, Michigan Software Labs was named one of the Top UX Design Companies in the U.S. by Clutch in 2019 and the Inc. Best Places to Work Award in 2019. ### Michigan Software Labs creates software your business can build upon. Learn more about us at or follow on social media @michiganlabs.

Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
Co-founder & Partner

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