- A suitcase that learns who you are and follows you around - we tested a new suitcase which will go for a walk with you. Introducing Ovis by ForwardX, the World's First Vision-Powered Side-Follow Suitcase. The product will be available for sale in 3 months. The benefit is you won’t need to hold it while you are walking. The device first learns who you are using several cameras and monitoring technologies. The suitcase also connects to your phone using Bluetooth in case someone tries to take it. Our experience showed the suitcase did a pretty good job in the open hallway - but it got behind when we had to hurry or had crossing traffic (a rush of people). The suitcase even got plowed over once by someone who was going the other way. Not good. The app quickly notified us to turn around and get our luggage though. The price is $799. Watch out for our video on LinkedIn.
- Traveling internationally and don’t know the local language? We found a new device from Waverly, called Ambassador, which is a small earpiece. The device connects to the internet through your smartphone and can translate in near real-time. We tested the earpiece listening for Japanese and it worked pretty well. There is of course a slight delay while it processes the language and several words were missed or messed up in a crowded room. The device will be available later this year.
- IBM released some new AI for a “debater” engine. This new technology could have big implications for business since debating is much more complex than simply accessing facts. IBM Research breaks the task of training an ensemble of AI models to debate into three separate capabilities: listening comprehension, modeling human dilemmas, and data-driven speech writing and delivery. This type of technology is important for business since business involves making so many decisions. The tool could know what biases each person at the table have and create a pros and cons list. Once this type of technology becomes more integrated in to the business it could even learn from past successes or failures. Imagine asking the tool “what should we do?” and having it provide you with better outcomes over time. This is just a promise now but could yield important advancements in 2020. We tested by asking the ironic question “Should we incorporate more AI in our business?” We will let you know who wins.
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About Michigan Software Labs
Michigan Software Labs develops custom mobile, web, and Internet of Things (IoT) software for clients ranging from locally owned businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Recognized as a leader in UX/UI design, with millions of end-users to date, Michigan Software Labs was named one of the Top UX Design Companies in the U.S. by Clutch in 2019 and the Inc. Best Places to Work Award in 2019.
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