Android Development iOS

Kotlin Multiplatform

July 14, 2022
Kotlin Multiplatform

A few weeks ago I was try­ing my best to inves­ti­gate the plau­si­bil­i­ty of what Kotlin Mul­ti­plat­form Mobile could be. We’ve heard the promis­es of write once every­where” before but they have always been lim­it­ed in flex­i­bil­i­ty and in my opin­ion, nev­er actu­al­ly felt” native in the end. We’ve had expe­ri­ence work­ing with Xam­arin, React Native, and Flut­ter and I’m sure any­one involved with those projects would be a strong advo­cate for con­tin­u­ing to work in any of those frame­works going for­ward. Per­haps that comes down to the spe­cif­ic imple­men­ta­tions, but to get fea­tures unique to plat­forms you end up writ­ing a bunch of plat­form spe­cif­ic code any­way. At the end of the day you are find­ing your­self say­ing… if only I had done this native, this would be so much easier.”

Yet, the more I’ve heard about KMM the more I’ve been excit­ed about the pos­si­bil­i­ty. Large­ly because of what it is not try­ing to do. It’s not try­ing to recre­ate how the view sys­tem works on either plat­form, it’s not try­ing to turn your web­site in a sin­gle web-view, it’s focus­ing itself on the busi­ness log­ic for your app and because of this, I think this has the poten­tial to become a very a pow­er­ful tool.

So, I start­ed play­ing around with a very sim­ple idea. Basi­cal­ly the sim­plest app I could think of. What if I could pull down my cur­rent weath­er fore­cast from the inter­net. Seemed easy enough, but I quick­ly learned that some of the depen­den­cies I’m used to were not going to work in the KMM. No mat­ter. There are already a decent num­ber of libraries avail­able writ­ten specif­i­cal­ly to be com­pat­i­ble with KMM. So I was on my way, and pulling down data and dis­play­ing it came togeth­er pret­ty quick­ly. But where we quick­ly launched into prob­lems was with ViewModels.

Gray Areas #

What can be con­sid­ered busi­ness log­ic” and what is con­sid­ered state” or view state” can be pret­ty sub­jec­tive. After read­ing a bunch of dif­fer­ent blogs, I thought it would be neat to have an event based sys­tem that each plat­form would be able to observe and change the state appro­pri­ate­ly. This quick­ly became annoy­ing hav­ing to use spe­cial libraries to con­vert things like LiveData and ViewModel into a plat­form agnos­tic ver­sions of them­selves, and although it was do-able con­stant­ly felt like I was shoot­ing myself in the foot. The more I thought about how to han­dle this by mov­ing log­ic far­ther up, the less it felt like it made sense to have in my shared code. I ulti­mate­ly start­ed think­ing that the best thing to have shared would be my data lay­er. Pack­ag­ing up all of my API com­mu­ni­ca­tion and mod­els into a sin­gle pack­age they could both use is appeal­ing, but I then learned the down­side of coroutines in iOS.

Asyn­chro­nous Annoy­ance #

Up until this point, I felt like every­thing could be rel­a­tive­ly han­dleable by due dili­gence of a team, work­ing togeth­er and defin­ing lines on what to share and what not to share. But work­ing with suspend fun in iOS proved to be the fea­ture that made me start to ques­tion how help­ful any of this actu­al­ly was.

One of the basic things I wrote ini­tial­ly was a func­tion to pull down the weather.

suspend fun getWeatherForecast(): Forecast {
    return api.getWeatherForecast()

Pret­ty sim­ple. Call­ing this in Android was as sim­ple as cre­at­ing a scope to launch it in.

viewModelScope.launch {

How­ev­er, when it is cross­ing over into Swift you lose all of the under­stand­ing of what a corou­tine is. You are left with some­thing like

repository.getWeatherForecast { data, error in
    if let forecast = data {
        // do something with the forecast
    if let actualError = error {
        // do something with the error

Although, I don’t love writ­ing that every-time, writ­ing a thin wrap­per around all of the API func­tions to make it look nicer or to con­vert into async/await wouldn’t be the end of the world. But, as far as I can tell, you had no real way of inform­ing the corou­tine to stop run­ning. This may not be a game chang­er, but does seem like it could result in some inter­est­ing issues down the line. 

Ulti­mate­ly, I’m not ful­ly out on KMM, though I will say that the use case where it would be suc­cess­ful is prob­a­bly lim­it­ed, at least as a first attempt. Hope­ful­ly with time, we can look back at it again and see what improve­ments have been made. A future where I am only writ­ing busi­ness log­ic tests once is a good one.

Click here if you’d like to look at my sam­ple project.

Scott Schmitz
Scott Schmitz
Staff Engineer

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