
How we designed, built, and ran our first community Hackathon

January 16, 2025
How we designed, built, and ran our first community Hackathon

In Sep­tem­ber, we held Michi­gan Soft­ware Labs’ first Hackathon! We invit­ed col­lege stu­dents and peo­ple new to their soft­ware devel­op­ment career to par­tic­i­pate and work togeth­er in teams on a prob­lem. We planned this Hackathon through­out the year, and the event was a blast to exe­cute. This arti­cle is intend­ed to ful­fill our com­mit­ment to the par­tic­i­pants and the devel­op­er com­mu­ni­ty by shar­ing our process for plan­ning the event under var­i­ous con­straints — and a por­tion of the source code.

Plan­ning process #

We start­ed work at the begin­ning of the year with a sin­gle goal: run­ning a Hackathon. We invit­ed any Michi­gan­Labs team mem­bers inter­est­ed in vol­un­teer­ing their time to join our group and take part in this effort. We then began with a clear pur­pose: A fun, approach­able prob­lem that a team can solve in one day.

We knew that the event had to fit into a sin­gle day, and it had to be inter­est­ing enough to work on. So we start­ed brain­storm­ing ideas and prob­lem sets. We looked at oth­er hackathons that have been offered to col­lege stu­dents, explor­ing what made them successful.

We land­ed on a rat maze prob­lem, where par­tic­i­pants would con­trol their own rat” and nav­i­gate it through var­i­ous mazes blind. We had a cou­ple, sim­ple tech­ni­cal goals in mind to keep the prob­lem accessible:

  • The participant’s code needs to be plat­form agnostic
  • The par­tic­i­pant must inter­act with the maze through REST APIs
  • Clear, objec­tive scor­ing with min­i­mal chance for ties

But the rat maze prob­lem itself isn’t unique, so we need­ed to add a spin on it — which was option­al” goals for par­tic­i­pants. We land­ed on backtracking.

By adding cheese through­out each maze, the rats had the abil­i­ty to smell” where near­by cheese might be. Eat­ing the cheese increased the score a lit­tle, but bring­ing the cheese to the end of the maze one-by-one was worth a lot more. This made the par­tic­i­pants’ objec­tives the following:

  1. Fin­ish­ing the maze is worth the most points
  2. Fer­ry­ing cheese to the end of the maze is worth a good amount of points
  3. Eat­ing cheese along the way is worth a small amount of points

When con­sid­er­ing these objec­tives, we want­ed to rule out a cou­ple easy approach­es. One being brute-force, where it would be pos­si­ble to find all cheese and the end of the maze giv­en enough time. So we imple­ment­ed score penalties:

  1. Mov­ing the rat reduced the teams’ score by a lit­tle, incen­tiviz­ing smarter back­track­ing and navigation
  2. Sniff­ing” for cheese reduced the score by a lit­tle, incen­tiviz­ing more intel­li­gent rout­ing to locate cheese
  3. If the rat nev­er reached the end of a maze, they wouldn’t get any points, incen­tiviz­ing find­ing the end as the pri­ma­ry goal for every­one, and mak­ing cheese more of a side objective
  4. There was a max­i­mum amount of API calls a team would make per maze, adding resource scarcity

At first, every­thing seemed fine, but some­thing was miss­ing: the fun fac­tor we want­ed to empha­size. Visu­al­iz­ing the maze one move at a time made it hard to get a com­plete pic­ture, and trou­bleshoot­ing how well the algo­rithm was per­form­ing could be chal­leng­ing, espe­cial­ly for visu­al thinkers.

We added a cou­ple new features:

  • We would pro­vide a visu­al trou­bleshoot­ing tool so that par­tic­i­pants could run their rats through sam­ple mazes while they devel­op their algorithm
  • We would pro­vide a swag­ger page for our API to help peo­ple who were new to REST calls
  • We would sim­u­late all of the teams run­ning through each maze in the grand finale, using Unity3D

To bring our Hackathon to life, we need­ed to cre­ate sev­er­al components:

  • A back­end to serve as the main API infrastructure
  • A fron­tend trou­bleshoot­ing tool to visu­al­ly test mazes (com­pe­ti­tion mazes remained hidden)
  • The mazes themselves
  • A Unity3D simulator
  • Load test­ing tools
  • Beta test­ing processes
  • A hackathon sched­ule, includ­ing the agen­da, cater­ing, prizes, and swag

While this list might have seemed daunt­ing at first, care­ful plan­ning and del­e­ga­tion made it manageable.

We tack­led it in our spare time, using Jira to track the over­all effort. Treat­ing this like a bill­able project, we tracked hours, allo­cat­ed time thought­ful­ly, and main­tained dili­gence with our esti­mates to stay on schedule.

Below is a screen­shot of our Jira board mid-project, show­ing the ener­gy and activ­i­ty invest­ed across mul­ti­ple areas: 

screenshot of project management software

The Back­end #

Github Repo Link

As with all aspects of the project, we aimed to make this a valu­able learn­ing expe­ri­ence for our team.

For the back­end, we chose ExpressJS, which gave us an oppor­tu­ni­ty to deep­en our knowl­edge of the plat­form. We dis­cov­ered inno­v­a­tive ways to set up authen­ti­ca­tion and mid­dle­ware, imple­ment­ed rate lim­it­ing, con­duct­ed load test­ing, and effec­tive­ly man­aged API keys. One fea­ture that stood out was the auto­mat­ic Swag­ger doc­u­men­ta­tion the team suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed. This was an impres­sive addi­tion, mak­ing it easy for any­one to explore and under­stand the capa­bil­i­ties of the new API.

David stands in front of large TVs giving a presentation showing the REST API documentation

The Fron­tend #

GitHub repo link

Our fron­tend test­ing web­site was built using Nex­tJS and React. The goal was to cre­ate it as effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble while pro­vid­ing max­i­mum val­ue for par­tic­i­pants. The web­site allowed users to enter their API key and view the test mazes, track their moves, and reset their rat as needed.

Par­tic­i­pants had unlim­it­ed access to test mazes through­out the day, but the com­pe­ti­tion mazes were locked until lat­er and couldn’t be viewed through the web­site tool. The web­site also dou­bled as an admin dash­board for us, so we could eas­i­ly keep track of par­tic­i­pants and their progress through­out the day.

short video of the admin dashboard

Mazes #

Because we didn’t have unlim­it­ed time to work on this project, we want­ed maze gen­er­a­tion to be easy, visu­al, and imme­di­ate­ly usable. We chose Google Sheets and used a clever Apps Script, where we could enter a piece of cheese, and it would auto­mat­i­cal­ly place smell” val­ues in a radius around the cheese. This let us review maze designs col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly, with­out hav­ing to devel­op a tool to do it.

short video of the maze

The source code of our action script:

function onEdit(e) {
  var range = e.range;
  var sheet = range.getSheet();
  var startValue = range.getValue();
  console.log(`Start Value: "${startValue}"`)
  console.log(`Old Value ${e.oldValue}`)
  if (startValue != "C" && e.oldValue != "C") {
  var writeValues = startValue == "C";
  var startRow = range.getRow();
  var startCol = range.getColumn();
  var maxDistance = 5;
  var queue = [[startRow, startCol, 0]];
  var visited = new Set();
  console.log("Starting loop.");
  while (queue.length > 0) {
    var [row, col, distance] = queue.shift();
    console.log("Acting on queue...")
    if (distance <= maxDistance) {
      console.log("Distance is in range...")
      if (distance > 0){
        if (writeValues) {
          // Write to sheet
      sheet.getRange(row, col).setValue(distance);
        } else if (sheet.getRange(row, col).getValue() == distance) {
          sheet.getRange(row, col).setValue("");
      var neighbors = [
        [row - 1, col], // up
        [row + 1, col], // down
        [row, col - 1], // left
        [row, col + 1], // right
      for (var i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
        var [newRow, newCol] = neighbors[i];
        console.log(`Iterating over the neighbor ${newRow}, ${newCol}`);
        if (newRow > 0 && newCol > 0 && newRow <= sheet.getMaxRows() && newCol <= sheet.getMaxColumns() && !visited.has(`${newRow},${newCol}`)) {
          var neighborValue = sheet.getRange(newRow, newCol).getValue();
          if(!isNaN(neighborValue) || neighborValue === "") {
            console.log(`Adding ${newRow}, $`)
            queue.push([newRow, newCol, distance + 1]);

When­ev­er we made an update to the spread­sheet, we could run a com­mand on the back­end to pull the cell data and regen­er­ate the table in our Post­greSQL database.

Unity3D sim­u­la­tion #

Unity3D Sim­u­la­tion

We had a cou­ple team mem­bers with expe­ri­ence in Uni­ty, and we want­ed to use their skills to make some­thing fun for the grand finale. We chose to keep track of every sin­gle move a rat makes. Then the sim­u­la­tion would play” the moves back, so we could watch all the teams togeth­er on the big screen.

watching maze animation on a large TV

This was a great learn­ing expe­ri­ence for our team mem­bers who were new to Uni­ty, as they learned a lot about Can­vas UI, ani­ma­tions, LOD, and gen­er­al game design prin­ci­ples. The sim­u­la­tion would stag­ger the par­tic­i­pants, since each team was iso­lat­ed to their own maze and there was no resource scarci­ty, and reveal their score at the end. We could con­trol the sim­u­la­tion speed and select mazes and start/​pause if we need­ed. This was eas­i­ly one of the high­lights of the day, where teams were able to see their rat’s per­for­mance live!

video of maze navigation in-progress

A close­up of some of the animations:

video of a closeup of Unity3D animations of the mouse navigating the maze

One thing to note is that while we’re shar­ing the source code of this Uni­ty project, there are some third par­ty assets we can’t share due to licens­ing. But the basics are there.

Load test­ing #

We used Artillery to load test our back­end, to make sure that it could han­dle rate lim­it­ing and a large num­ber of par­tic­i­pants. Here’s an exam­ple artillery script that would run through a cou­ple move­ments and reset the rat repeatedly:

  target: "http://localhost:8080/v1"
    - duration: 1
      arrivalRate: 1
      Content-Type: "application/json"
      X-API-KEY: "<API-KEY>"

  - name: "Rat reset"
      - post:
          url: "/rat/reset"
            mazeId: "oneTurn"
      - post:
          url: "/rat/smell"
            mazeId: "oneTurn"
      - post:
          url: "/rat/move"
            mazeId: "oneTurn"
            direction: "NORTH"
      - post:
          url: "/rat/move"
            mazeId: "oneTurn"
            direction: "NORTH"
      - post:
          url: "/rat/eat"
            mazeId: "oneTurn"

Beta test­ing #

It’s easy to get biased results when the same team that cre­ates the project is also solv­ing it. To address this, we involved peo­ple across our com­pa­ny with vary­ing lev­els of soft­ware devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence. A cou­ple of our devel­op­ers tack­led the prob­lem, and we paired them with non-tech­ni­cal employ­ees to work through it togeth­er. This approach solved two key challenges:

  1. We need­ed more entry-lev­el attempts at solv­ing the problem.
  2. We’re always look­ing for ways to help non-tech­ni­cal team mem­bers at Michi­gan­Labs gain deep­er insight into the soft­ware devel­op­ment process.

The beta test­ing proved to be high­ly suc­cess­ful. Team mem­bers from deliv­ery leads, busi­ness oper­a­tions, and even our exec­u­tive assis­tant par­tic­i­pat­ed in the chal­lenge — help­ing us iden­ti­fy issues with doc­u­men­ta­tion and oth­er poten­tial prob­lems. This process pro­vid­ed valu­able user feed­back and ensured that the event was well-val­i­dat­ed by a diverse range of exper­tise before going live.

person standing in fron of large TV pointing at the maze simulation

The agen­da #

We care­ful­ly planned the entire day, set­ting hard stops and clear tim­ings for each phase to keep every­thing on track. To make the event even more mem­o­rable, one of our design­ers cre­at­ed a cus­tom t‑shirt logo for the event, which turned out great and added a nice touch to the swag.

a MichiganLabs team member works with two student participating in the Hack-a-thon

We also gave out tro­phies to our win­ners, which were 3D print­ed. The win­ning team — Adam Byle and Nick Roberts from Calvin Uni­ver­si­ty — each received $200, and the sec­ond place team got $50 each.

the winners of the MichiganLabs Hack-a-thon

Adam and Nick from the win­ning team also open-sourced their solu­tion to our prob­lem, which you can check out here

Par­tic­i­pants spent the entire day with us, col­lab­o­rat­ing with our team mem­bers to work through the prob­lem set. A big thank you to all the par­tic­i­pants for ded­i­cat­ing your time, and to the Michi­gan­Labs team for vol­un­teer­ing your exper­tise to make this event a success!

We learned so much about run­ning com­mu­ni­ty events and thor­ough­ly enjoyed the process of design­ing and host­ing the chal­lenge. As promised, here is the open-sourced code:

Thank you also to Madi­son Cole­man, our stu­dent photographer!

David Crawford
David Crawford
Software Developer

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